Full Schedule Of ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 : ICC also known as the International Cricket Council announced the full Schedule for the upcoming ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 which will be held in Australia and New Zealand, in this latest ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 total 14 teams will be competing against each other to get their hands on the ICC Cricket World Cup
2015. there are two groups of these 14 teams each consist of 7 teams
and they will play matches in these groups to qualify for the other
rounds. Pool A consist of these teams Australia (co-host), England,
Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Qualifier 2 (TBD), New Zealand (co-host),
Qualifier 3 (TBD), while the other Pool B consist of these teams
Pakistan, South Africa, India, Zimbabwe, West Indies, Ireland, Qualifier 4. the ICC Cricket World Cup
2015 will start on Saturday 14 February 2015 with the match of Sri
Lanka v New Zealand at Hagley Oval, and will end on Sunday 29 March 2015
with the Final of the ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 at MCG Melbourne,
there is also a reserve day for the final as well. “The 2015 tournament
will mark 40 years since the first World Cup in 1975 and that history
of great contests and heroes helps make the tournament what it is — the
most sought-after prize in our increasingly global game,” said ICC
chief executive David Richardson. below is the Full Schedule Of ICC Cricket World Cup 2015 with all fixture details and other information…